By Laws
USS Frank Knox Reunion Association
Proposed By-Laws
January 30, 2015
Article 1
I. Name
The official name shall be USS Frank Knox Reunion Association and hereafter known as the ‘association.’
II. Mission Statement
The organization conducts reunions and other meetings to foster camaraderie
with the former officers and sailors as well as family and friends of those who served honorably aboard USS Frank Knox (DDR-742) or (DD-742) during her 27 years of service, 1944-1971, to the United States Navy. The association will maintain a factual narrative of the ship’s history and those who served aboard.
III. Membership Eligibility
Membership shall be open to anyone. Special focus to all former crewmembers and officers who served honorably from the date of commission, December 11, 1944 through January 30, 1971. Dues may assessed of all members and active status reserved for those having paid current dues. In-active status will apply to those members who dues are not paid currently. All active members will have voting rights.
IV. Government
The Board of Directors (BOD) includes the officers of the association which shall include a President, Vice President-Finance, Vice-President-Communications, Vice President-Membership and Vice President-Reunion Coordinator. The president may appoint committee members as required.
V. Meetings and Reunions
A board meeting shall be held at least once a year or as needed by the call of the president. The meeting may be held in person or by conference call.
Reunions shall be held for the benefit of the membership. They may occur once a year. In the event a reunion is not scheduled in a future given year the attending members must vote by simple majority not to hold a reunion. The board will then vote for or against a reunion in the following year.
Reunion locations shall be voted upon at least two years in advance. The association will convene reunions once each year in the geographical east, central and west of the United States. The association may hold a reunion in an international location. The association will make every effort to offer affordability of members out of pocket expenses such as hotel and meal costs.
The Vice President-Reunion Coordinator shall be responsible for:
1) Projecting and managing reunion expenses;
2) Planning and executing required scheduling and conducting the next reunion;
3) Arrangement of hotel accommodations, banquet(s) and common meals, entertainment and activities;
4) Agendas for all reunions;
5) Early dissemination of a reunion itinerary to encourage attendance of members;
6) The Reunion Chairman will submit all contracts and or agreements to the board for consensus agreement prior to the President signing such documents. Forecasted expenses must be presented along with proposed contractual documents.
7) Purchase hospitality supplies for all reunions. The Vice President-Finance shall provide and advance of cash (check) for said supplies.
VI. Dues are mandatory and are due and payable annually usually paid in the first calendar quarter of the year. Currently, member’s dues are $30. A lifetime membership is currently offered. The rates of dues may be recommended by the board and established by a simple majority of vote of voting members at the Reunion Business Meeting.
Article 2
I. Election of Officers
All four officers shall be elected by a vote of the members at the association Reunion Business Meeting. A simple majority is required for election. In the event an officer cannot complete his term of election, 1 year, the president will appoint and the Board will approve a replacement to complete the term.
The term of all officers are January 1 to December 31 of the calendar year.
II. Duties of the Officers
The President shall establish the procedure of the Board and shall preside at all meetings, call special meetings of the Board, appoint the chairman of all standing committees, appoint special committees and convene the Board as required. Meetings may be held by email or by telephone. He/she shall delegate the publishing or maintenance of the association web-site, the publication of the newsletter and any matters deemed necessary to the proper running and operation of the association.
The Board will vote to approve or dis-approve, by simple majority, a nominee of the president to fill vacancies on the Board. In the event of a tie, the President shall cast the tie breaking vote. During any office vacancy the President is empowered to fulfill the duties of the office vacancy either personally or by appointed person.
Vice President-Finance
The Vice President-Finance shall maintain records of all income and expenses of the association. He/she will collect receipts and properly pay all accounts payable from the accounts of the association. He/she will comply with all federal and state regulations and properly complete all financial forms of the government entities that may be required.
Vice President-Communications
The Vice President-Communications will maintain the association web-site as well as the association newsletter. The VP will maintain notes of meetings and keep a proper record of the official events of the association.
Vice President-Membership
The Vice President-Membership will collect and maintain a roster of former shipmates and members. All pertinent information such as mailing address, email address, phone numbers and spousal information shall be kept in an orderly manner. He/she will work to keep all information current. The Vice President-Membership will work to attract new members and maintain the prior membership.
He/she will notify promptly the Vice President-Communications of members accidents, illnesses and death of shipmates, members and/or their spouses.
Vice President-Reunion Coordinator
The Vice President-Reunion Coordinator shall be responsible for all matters of planning and contracting the reunion schedule for the association. All matters will be brought to the President and executive committee for approval. Once approval is granted the Vice President will coordinate invitations and develop an agenda for the reunion. It would be desirable to plan several reunions well ahead.
Article 3
Membership Responsibilities
All members will comply with prompt payment of dues and keep the association informed of any changes in address, email address or phone number as well as any changes of other personal information the association may possess.
Members shall make every attempt to notify the association of intent to attend a reunion or to notify if their plans change.
Article 4
Dissolution of the USS Frank Knox Reunion Association
Recognizing that circumstances will arise that render the association unable to maintain adequate membership to sustain association operations, it may be necessary to dissolve the association.
The Board shall initiate such action in a vote and recommend to the membership a vote be taken for termination and dissolution. A simple majority shall be required for passage. The vote may be taken at a reunion business meeting or by mail. If the vote is taken by mail, the vote shall be open for 30 days of the association mailing. All ballots postmarked within 30 days shall be counted.
Upon dissolution, the association will pay all debts and obligations. Within 30 days hence the accounts of the association will be distributed to the current dues paying membership. Members whose dues are not current shall not participate in the distribution of assets.
The Vice President-Finance shall send a final report to the voting membership (current dues paid membership) detailing the dissolution and final disposition.
Article 5
Changes in Association By-Laws
The By-Laws of the USS Frank Knox Reunion Association may be amended by a simple majority vote of the membership present at a Reunion Business Meeting.
The association must have any proposed changes posted on the association web-site, the newsletter or special mailing prior to a vote. Ample discussion should be provided prior to the vote.
Article 6
Conduct of Business Meetings
Robert’s Rules of Order shall be observed and practiced at all meetings of the association. Procedure and discussions at the Business Meetings shall be in accordance with these by-laws.
October 1, 2014
Amended November 12, 2014
Amended December 22, 2014
Amended January 30, 2015